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What Causes Inner Thigh Fat & How to Lose It?

Kristina Cadwell  
July 12, 2023  

Inner thigh fat is a common concern for many individuals seeking to achieve a more toned and sculpted lower body and a thigh gap. While everyone's body composition is unique, excess fat accumulation in the inner thigh area can result from a combination of genetic factors, hormonal changes, lifestyle habits, and dietary choices.

Losing fat from specific areas of the body, such as the inner thighs, requires a comprehensive approach that involves a combination of targeted exercises, a balanced diet, and overall lifestyle improvements. Sustainable and healthy weight loss in this area is a gradual process that requires consistency and a well-rounded approach.

This article explains the causes of inner thigh fat and lists the methods to lose it and sculpt your body.

what causes inner thigh fat

What Causes Inner Thigh Fat?

Several factors cause inner thigh fat.

  • Genetics – Our genetics determines how the body stores and processes fat. Particularly in women, fat is typically stored in the hips, inner thighs, and lower belly. As for men, fat mostly accumulates in the abdomen. Men also experience issues with inner thigh fat, although less commonly.
  • Anatomy – Inner thigh fat is more common and evident in women because they have a larger pelvis designed for childbearing.
  • Weight gain – Weight gain happens when you consume more calories than your body is able to burn. The excess calories are stored as fat that accumulates in various parts of the body.
  • Lack of physical activity – Lack of exercise and movement slows down blood circulation and energy expenditure, promoting fat accumulation.
  • Knee and back problems – Experts suggest that lower back pain and knee osteoarthritis lead to bad posture and limited movement, causing fat to store in the inner thighs.
  • Hormonal changes – Inner thigh fat accumulation is typically spurred by hormonal imbalances due to age, pregnancy, menopause, or other factors. When this happens, your metabolism slows down while estrogen increases fat cells, making it more difficult to tone the inner thighs.

Note: Learn about the 10 best supplements for hormone balancing.

How to Lose Inner Thigh Fat?

Luckily, there are several things you can do to lose your inner thigh fat.

1. Exercise

Targeted exercises can reduce fat in the inner thighs but require patience and persistence, especially if genetics is not on your side. Luckily, there are many exercises to try:

  • Strength training
  • Long-distance cardio
  • Hill training
  • Treadmill exercising
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
  • Zumba
  • Sumo squats
  • Side lunges
  • Cross stepping

2. CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a painless and effective procedure for reducing inner thigh fat. CoolSculpting freezes the fat cells in your inner thighs. The cooled fat is broken down and eliminated through massage and the lymphatic system.

Note: Learn more about CoolSculpting for thighs, including what the procedure looks like and what results to expect.

3. Healthy Diet

An increased calorie intake contributes to your body storing more fat than it can process. A balanced diet is the best way to avoid this. Make sure to incorporate lots of fruits and vegetables while steering clear of processed sugar, fats, and sodium.

4. Improved Lifestyle Habits

Not getting enough sleep, increased alcohol and cigarette consumption, and lack of exercise can lead to hormonal imbalances that affect the way your body stores and processes fat. They can also increase cravings for food that is bad for you, making it more difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

5. Medical Weight Loss

Medical weight loss is a controlled and sustainable way of losing fat. It involves the creation of a personalized gradual medical weight loss program that may include a nutrition plan, exercise plan, weight loss products, hormone therapy, etc.

The program is followed by skin treatments and an exercise plan for maintaining results. Make sure to consult an experienced medical professional, who will recommend the best weight loss plan for your specific goals, age, and medical history.

Note: If you're looking for a medical weight loss program near Phoenix that's developed by medical professionals and tailored to your needs, contact Vibrant Vitality Clinic to schedule a consultation.

6. Thigh Surgery

If all your efforts are not giving the desired results, there are several surgical procedures to try. Thigh gap surgery, liposuction, and a thigh lift are effective ways of eliminating fat in this area. However, they require significant preparation, downtime, and patients must be in near-perfect health to be eligible for the procedure.

Note: Find out which treatment works best, CoolSculpting or Liposuction.


Losing inner thigh fat can be challenging, but it is possible with dedication and the right strategies. Adopting a holistic approach that combines noninvasive treatments, strength training, and a healthy, balanced diet is key to reducing overall body fat, including in the inner thighs.

Rapid fat loss may result in loose skin in certain areas, and legs and thighs are no exception. Should it happen to you, learn how to tighten the skin on your legs.

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About the Author:
Kristina Cadwell
PA Kristina Cadwell graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. She then completed the Physician Assistant program at A.T. Still University graduating with a Masters of Medical Science degree. Kristina has been working in the Aesthetic Medical field for over 10 years. She is certified in neurotoxin cosmetic injection, dermal fillers, Plasma Pen skin tightening, chemical peels, and laser therapy. She is known for producing natural results and has extensive knowledge in diet and exercise allowing her to help you achieve vibrant skin from the inside out.
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