Dermal fillers are one of the most sought-after aesthetic procedures at our med spa. It’s no wonder, as they can make you look younger, sexier, and more beautiful. You can plump your lips, contour your cheeks and chisel your jawline with little or no recovery time. You name it, fillers can do it!
However, their appeal also means that there are many uncertainties. We’ve written about fillers and compared them with other treatments, in addition to explaining them as thoroughly as we could. But people still come up with questions.
We rounded up some of the questions we’re asked about lip and dermal fillers, and we hope these answers help you decide whether fillers are what you want.

How Long Do Lip Fillers Last?
Lip fillers usually last around 12 months. How long fillers last depends on different things, such as the composition of the filler, where it is injected, and how quickly your body breaks it down and absorbs it. If you want to maintain the results, it is recommended to come in for an injection touch-up every six months, as per your injector’s advice.
There are several dermal fillers available on the market, and we inject fillers from three big families – The Juvéderm, Restylane, and Revanesse Versa. There are also a few collagen biostimulators on the market that we use to create volume, Sculptra and Radiesse. Unlike other hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, these injectables help the body build its own collagen, and results can last up to two years.
Can Fillers Go Wrong?
Plain and simple, yes, they can. But the full answer is not plain and simple. Complications with fillers are more likely to occur in two major cases: when you have certain preconditions that you didn’t warn your injector about, or when you go to an injector who is not certified and experienced. People are enticed by low prices and want to pay less – but there is a reason why some procedures are costly in reputable clinics such as ours. Please don’t compromise your beauty and, more importantly, your health, by opting to save a couple of hundred dollars.
Can You Feel Fillers in Your Lips?
No. Or, more accurately, you shouldn’t. Once the pain and bruising from the injection subside, you shouldn’t be able to feel anything except your natural, smooth lips. If you do feel the filler, or if it appears lumpy, it may be because an inexperienced injector has injected the filler too close to the surface of the lips. It may also be the result of filler not properly integrating into the tissue. Going to a reputable, experienced injector and avoiding filler injection when you are sick decreases the likelihood of this happening.
Can You Eat After Lip Fillers?
Yes! You can eat immediately after lip injections. The real issue here is whether you can eat really hot or cold food. Your lips will likely still be numb from the numbing cream, so avoid foods that are too hot or too cold because they may hurt your lips without you even feeling it. The day after getting lip fillers, you can eat anything.
Learn more about lip filler aftercare, what you should do and what to avoid after getting lip fillers.
How Long After Lip Fillers Can I Fly?
One week is okay. We encourage people to wait for seven days after their filler injection because during a flight you are exposed to decreased cabin pressure. This can worsen your swelling and bruising, especially if you are already prone to these side effects. Additionally, the air in the aircraft is relatively dry, and fillers can attract the water from your skin and further dehydrate it. If you know you will be traveling, schedule your fillers in advance. Better safe than sorry!
Can You Get Permanent Lip Fillers?
Yes, but we don’t advise anyone to get them. We’re sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but permanent fillers come with a plethora of risks. It’s best to stick with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers in the lips. If you love your filled lips, you will have to come in for another treatment when they wear out, which they will.
How Long After Lip Fillers Can You Kiss?
Massaging your lips after the procedure, which is what kissing essentially is, should be avoided for two weeks post-injection. We know you want to use your beautiful lips to kiss your loved ones right away, but that’s not the best idea. Be gentle and don’t touch your lips – either with your fingers or with someone else’s lips.
Can You Smoke Straight After Lip Fillers?
It’s best to avoid smoking right after getting the fillers, so try to abstain from cigarettes for up to 24 hours. Of course, you may consider stopping.
How Long After Lip Fillers Can You Wear Lipstick?
Wait 24 hours before wearing lipstick. If you want to cover the bruising, you may use a darker shade of lipstick. Remember, lipstick also counts as pressure, and applying pressure to freshly injected lips should be avoided. Additionally, use a new tube of lipstick to minimize the risks of infections.
Can Lip Fillers Migrate?
Fillers can migrate. Injectors who don’t have a good understanding of how fillers work and how they should be injected are more likely to inject the fillers at the wrong depth or choose the wrong product, increasing the risk of filler migration. Always go to trusted, licensed, and experienced injectors who use well-known brands of dermal fillers.
How Long After Filler Can You Have a Facial?
Not too soon, please. It’s best to wait two to four weeks after your filler injection to have a facial. This allows the filler to settle and give your skin time to heal.
Can Dermal Fillers Cause Cancer?
No! Rest assured, no filler can cause something as severe as cancer.
Can I Exercise After Fillers?
Not too soon, please. Moving fast, being in a room full of sweaty people, or just doing any strenuous exercise may add a risk of infection. Wait for a week to be on the safe side. Don’t worry, your body cannot change too much in a week, nor will you lose strength so quickly. Walking is always fine.
Can You Put Filler in the Forehead?
If you want to address your forehead lines, Botox (or a different brand of the same or similar neurotoxin) is the path you usually want to take. Wrinkles that occur due to movement – a forehead wrinkle or wrinkles around the eyes – are best treated with Botox. After Botox is in place, a small amount of dermal filler can be used to correct deep wrinkles, but filler injection in the forehead comes with risks and is usually the last resort.
Botox (a neurotoxin injection) and Juvederm (a dermal filler) are among the most popular antiaging injectables. To learn the difference between these two, check out our article on Botox vs. Juvederm.
Can Fillers Remove Under-Eye Bags?
Yes! Fillers can be used in this area to lighten it, making it look brighter and plumper. If you’re in Phoenix, give us a call to schedule a comprehensive consultation about the type of filler that is best for you.
Can Fillers Cause Blindness?
Blindness is indeed the worst possible outcome of fillers.
Now, before you freak out, let us tell you that it is extremely rare, and all experienced injectors know how to reduce this risk. Blindness can happen if the filler is by mistake injected into an artery. Experienced injectors have in-depth knowledge of the anatomy of your face. They know where arteries should be, which is how they reduce their chances of injecting filler into them.
Can You Get Dermal Fillers While Breastfeeding? And What About Getting Dermal Fillers While Pregnant?
This is not recommended. It's not because the fillers will necessarily harm your baby, but because we don’t know whether they will. Better be safe than sorry!
Dermal fillers have not been tested for safety in pregnant and breastfeeding women, so we don’t know if there is any effect on unborn and breastfeeding babies. We also don’t know how the mother’s body will accept this volume placement when her body is on high alert and focused on building life. So, if any of these two situations applies to you, let your injector know so you can work out a different treatment for your wrinkles and folds.
Can Fillers Fix a Crooked Nose?
Yes! This is another job that fillers can do quite successfully. Sometimes, a filler can reshape the nose without the need for surgery (and general anesthesia, and pain, and recovery time). Fillers can add to the sharp angles of your nose. This procedure is sometimes referred to as “liquid rhinoplasty” and is the perfect non-surgical procedure!
Can Fillers Ruin Your Face?
Well, it depends on what you consider “ruined.” Are you worried that you will get too much filler and your face won’t look like your own anymore? Opt for an experienced and responsible injector who will always tell you whether you are making the right choice. At Vibrant Skin Bar, we don’t want to sell as much filler as possible - we want to enhance your natural beauty.